Hey - valid points...but maybe more helpful to a less specific question; Martin Luther had specific concerns about specific abuses and specific teachings within one specific organization: the Catholic church. Could you help me out by listing something specific to JWs/Watchtower/GB? (Less general, more focussed, would really help to compile this list of 95 points)
Anthony Morris DeTurd
JoinedPosts by Anthony Morris DeTurd
95 Un-Truths - celebrate 500 years since Diet of Worms
by Anthony Morris DeTurd inwell hello friends.
you may recall the article we published about martin luther: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2003686#h=1:0-44:51. at the end of this month it's exactly 500 years since he nailed his list of 95 objections (un-truths) to the door of the catholic church, kicking off the reformation...for which he was invited to the diet of worms (judicial committee) and excommunicated.. also at a similar time to this commemoration, i have been invited to attend an event of the vast apostate army here in warwick (5.11.2017).
i'm worried that someone may compose a list of 95 untruths about us, and nail it to the gates at warwick!.
Anthony Morris DeTurd
95 Un-Truths - celebrate 500 years since Diet of Worms
by Anthony Morris DeTurd inwell hello friends.
you may recall the article we published about martin luther: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2003686#h=1:0-44:51. at the end of this month it's exactly 500 years since he nailed his list of 95 objections (un-truths) to the door of the catholic church, kicking off the reformation...for which he was invited to the diet of worms (judicial committee) and excommunicated.. also at a similar time to this commemoration, i have been invited to attend an event of the vast apostate army here in warwick (5.11.2017).
i'm worried that someone may compose a list of 95 untruths about us, and nail it to the gates at warwick!.
Anthony Morris DeTurd
Well hello friends. You may recall the article we published about Martin Luther: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2003686#h=1:0-44:51
At the end of this month it's exactly 500 years since he nailed his list of 95 objections (un-truths) to the door of the Catholic church, kicking off the Reformation...for which he was invited to the Diet of Worms (judicial committee) and excommunicated.
Also at a similar time to this commemoration, I have been invited to attend an event of the Vast Apostate Army here in Warwick (5.11.2017). I'm worried that someone may compose a list of 95 untruths about us, and nail it to the gates at Warwick!
Friends, what do you think such an evil apostate would write on this list? What today would make up 95 objections about JWs/Watchtower/GB?
JW`s Lie about Christendom hiding the Name Jehovah.or its equivalent Yahweh
by smiddy injehovahs witnesses have been outspoken over the years/decades that christendom have been hiding or obscuring or even eliminating gods name jehovah from the general public.. how true is that statement .?.
1. it was a catholic monk of the 13th century that first coined the name jehovah in the english language.. 2.the roman catholic douay version of the bible does have the name jehovah in it.
about the 16th century.
Anthony Morris DeTurd
One of the young brothers here at Bethel said:
Looks like the Catholics pulled a mooney at the Jws
He was "re-assigned", but he had a point...
(FYI: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pulling%20a%20mooney)
JW`s Lie about Christendom hiding the Name Jehovah.or its equivalent Yahweh
by smiddy injehovahs witnesses have been outspoken over the years/decades that christendom have been hiding or obscuring or even eliminating gods name jehovah from the general public.. how true is that statement .?.
1. it was a catholic monk of the 13th century that first coined the name jehovah in the english language.. 2.the roman catholic douay version of the bible does have the name jehovah in it.
about the 16th century.
Anthony Morris DeTurd
Well hello brother Smiddy. That's an interesting point of view, and you might be surprised to know that we on the GB have conceded that we will NEVER be able to elevate God's name as high as the Catholics have done - NEVER, it's too expensive. Here's why:
The Catholics put God's name on the moon! (We've checked out the cost of sending it to a higher elevation, and we just don't have the funds)
Still reading this? Ok, so here's the proof:
In 1969 NASA invited 73 countries from around the world to have their bespoke message laser-inscribed on a metal disc, which NASA claim was going to be left on the moon by the Apollo 11 crew. Here's the NASA website: https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a11/a11memorials.html
Now, as you know, the smallest country (officially) in the world is....Vatican City. NASA therefore invited them to have a message inscribed on this "moon disk"; they didn't contact God's only channel, us JWs at Watchtower - how rude of them! What did the Vatican (the Catholics) write on this "moon disk"? Well, you can check the NASA website for a scan of the PDF (HERE: https://history.nasa.gov/ap11-35ann/goodwill/Apollo_11_material.pdf) but basically it's just a quote from their own Bible, which says this:
"Jahweh our Lord, how great your name throughout the earth!" Psalms 8
So there you have it friends, we'll never be able to elevate God's name as high as the Catholics have. Nope, not possible - too expensive.
Obey and be blessed!
1975 and the burning question/s??
by UnshackleTheChains inok. so i'm sitting there at the convention.
the video comes up about 1975 and the fact that the faithful brother in the video maintained his faith in the bible by adhering to the scripture that says:.
'no one knows the day or the hour as to when the lord is coming'.
Anthony Morris DeTurd
Hi Waton. I sure do! This 1975 is just one example of the same clean-up operation that's being going on for over a century. We've had to publish lies to cover up the lies, you know what I mean?
This "overlapping annointed" idea was to cover our tracks for the 1914 "generation", which we used to keep the hype going post-1975. Problem is, now the annointed are increasing we're realizing that the "144,000" isn't literal. Each new "solution" creates another problem, you know what I mean?
1975 and the burning question/s??
by UnshackleTheChains inok. so i'm sitting there at the convention.
the video comes up about 1975 and the fact that the faithful brother in the video maintained his faith in the bible by adhering to the scripture that says:.
'no one knows the day or the hour as to when the lord is coming'.
Anthony Morris DeTurd
Hi friends. I lived through this time, and let me tell you, there was a whole bunch of us in special full time service in travelling work and at the branch who didn't buy any of the 1975 hype; most did, but some of us didn't. Then there was the "apology" in 1980 - lame! I said to myself, "If I ever make it onto the GB then I'd expose this whole 1975 nonsense." Well, now it's my turn. This is our way of saying, retrospecively, "You Franz groupies were a bunch of religious fanatics - we aint buying it!"
For the record, I've cited the references that we printed at the time. Obey and be blessed!
The book that planted the seed for 1975:
"The published timetable resulting from this independent study gives the date of man's creation as 4026 B.C.E. According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years from man's creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E. So six thousand years of man's existence on earth will soon be up, yes, within this generation. So in not many years within our own generation we are reaching what Jehovah God could view as the seventh day of man's existence. How appropriate it would be for Jehovah God to make of this coming seventh period of a thousand years a sabbath period of rest and release, a great Jubilee sabbath for the proclaiming of liberty throughout the earth to all its inhabitants! This would be most timely for mankind. It would also be most fitting on God's part, for, remember, mankind has yet ahead of it what the last book of the Holy Bible speaks of as the reign of Jesus Christ over earth for a thousand years, the millennial reign of Christ. It would not be by mere chance or accident but would be according to the loving purpose of Jehovah God for the reign of Jesus Christ, the 'Lord of the Sabbath,' to run parallel with the seventh millennium of man's existence." Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God (1966) pp.26-30
…with chart from page 35:
Series of articles that "contributed to a build-up of the expectation" (w80 3/15 17 par.5)
g66 8/10 19 "Does God's rest day parallel the time man has been on earth since his creation? Apparently so. In what year, then, would the first 6,000 years of man's existence and also the first 6,000 years of Gods rest day come to an end? The year 1975. It means that within a relatively few years we will witness the fulfilment of the remaining prophecies that have to do with the "time of the end"."
km 3/68 4 (insert) "Just think, brothers, there are only about ninety months left before 6,000 years of man's existence on earth is completed. Do you remember what we learned at the assemblies last summer? The majority of people living today will probably be alive when Armageddon breaks out, and there are no resurrection hopes for those that are destroyed then."
w68 5/1 272 par.7 "Within a few years at most the final parts of Bible prophecy relative to these “last days” will undergo fulfillment, resulting in the liberation of surviving mankind into Christ’s glorious 1,000-year reign."
Words of caution? If Jesus' words of "nobody knows" sprang to mind, how should we reason?
w68 8/15 500 par. 35 Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975? "This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that “concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matt. 24:36) "
Same article, par.30, admitted that Autumn 1975 was not an exact calculation. But regarding possible adjustments it stated "It may involve only a difference of weeks or months, not years"
g69 5/22 15 “If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.”
w70 5/1 273 par. 5 "Bible chronology which indicates that Adam was created in the fall of the year 4026 B.C.E. would bring us down to the year 1975 C.E. as the date marking 6,000 years of human history with yet 1,000 years to come for Christ’s Kingdom rule. So whatever the date for the end of this system, it is clear that the time left is reduced, with only approximately six years left until the end of 6,000 years of human history. (1 Cor. 7:29) This corroborates the understanding of Jesus’ words that the generation alive in 1914 with the outbreak of World War I would not pass away until the end comes."
g71 8/10 27 - diagram showing Christ's Millennial Reign to BEGIN in 1975 (after 6000 years on man)
km 5/74 3 (insert) "Yes, since the summer of 1973 there have been new peaks in pioneers every month. Now there are 20,394 regular and special pioneers in the United States, an all-time peak. That is 5,190 more than there were in February 1973! A 34-percent increase! Does that not warm our hearts? Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world’s end."
Admission of responsibility:
w80 3/15 17 par.5 "With the appearance of the book Life Everlasting—in Freedom of the Sons of God, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for the millennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of man’s existence, considerable expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975. There were statements made then, and thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility. Unfortunately, however, along with such cautionary information, there were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated."
When do you think the 7 clowns will add more members to the exclusive GB club ?
by Chook inwill they draw a new name out of a hat or do a kiss test i don't know..
Anthony Morris DeTurd
Hello friends. I think this thread is an excellent suggestion; let me tell you, it's really hard work for me these days - I could sure use some extra help here on the GB. This belly of mine sure takes some work, and I often need to take a rest after lunch! The more help, the better...
So, I've asked my
handler"fellow brother" (who is part of the back-end team who look after all that kind of stuff) "When are we getting a new GB member, John?" He said he would discuss it with his team and get back to me...Well today, guess what? John had sent me in internal email with his answer; he's so helpful! To tell you the truth, I really don't understand the terminology - I guess, because he's a graduate he reverts to using fancy words. Can any of you dear friends help me to understand what he wrote? I sure don't want to look stupid when I discuss this with him face-to-face. Here's what he wrote:
Dear Brother DeTurd, thanks for the opportunity to do some research on your behalf. We are now in a position to answer your question: How are members of the GB selected?
The GB has been engineered to become a servile dictatorship, aiding and abetting the back-end anonymous oligarchs who operate this large-scale exploitation of the “spiritual food” industry. You see, brother DeTurd, the Borg is a spiritual “banana republic” - economically dependent upon the exportation of a limited-resource product: “spiritual food”. The highly controlled model that we’ve engineered needs you guys to be the figure heads; we have to maintain an illusion that you guys on the GB are “in control” – being “directed” by a divine power.
In order to sustain this society of stratified social classes - the great, poor working class and a ruling-class plutocracy – we need you brothers on the GB to have faith in us. WE will decide when a additional member is needed, based upon the psychological choreography that we’ve been orchestrating for the past two decades. The complexities of the internal mechanisms we’ve honed is difficult to explain in detail, and I’m sure your brothers haven’t got time to investigate how, from the behind the scenes, we’ve implemented techniques of the MK-ULTRA mind-control program (amongst other programs). Just trust us – everything is handled by experienced brothers, and we’ll let you know when another member is needed. OBEY AND BE B L E S S E D.
[Mind the vase, that you are about to knock over when you turn to look behind you]
PS. We hope that you appreciate the increase in the daily portion of "orange" juice we've provided for you ;-)
Well, friends, I just sipped my orange juice and tossed this email to one side - I can't understand what he means! Any of you dear friends care to help me out here? -
by the girl next door inthere may not be anyone on the planet that has inside information about watchtower abuse in regard to sexual child abuse than zalkin.
he has been given a plethora of inside information but can not share it by order of the court.
when will the courts lift this veil of protection for religious entities?
Anthony Morris DeTurd
Hi folks! I thought we already "confessed" to this? Here's what we printed:
(w86 1/1 p. 13 par. 12)
Shocking as it is, even some who have been prominent in Jehovah’s organization have succumbed to immoral practices, including homosexuality, wife swapping, and child molesting. It is to be noted, also, that during the past year, 36,638 individuals had to be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation, the greater number of them for practicing immorality. Jehovah’s organization must be kept clean! (1 Corinthians 5:9-13) This is a time for congregation elders, ministerial servants, and indeed all our brothers and sisters to avoid any circumstances that could lead to immorality
Did you note the clear distinction we made between the "prominent" and the "36,638 individuals"? The "individuals" committed immorality, whereas the "prominent" who carried our acts of "child molesting" merely "succumbed". One group is disfellowshipped, whereas those in the other group are allowed to continue to serve in the prominent positions if they confess to something "in the past"; you see, if we can keep things confidential for 5 years then it's all in the past - there's no notoriety, so we can simply confess to a fellow prominent one and carry on with our squeaky-clean image. We wouldn't want Jehovah's name tarnished, WOULD WE?!!!
Just obey, and you'll be blessed!
PS. Oh, and when the "truth" comes out and Zalkin's file is leaked or forced to be published, my friend Mr Lett will remind you that it's all lies...
Stonewalling and the Governing Body
by UnshackleTheChains inwhy do the gb stonewall individuals with legitimate questions.
for example, they refuse to speak to investagative journalists like trey bundy, unless they happen to get caught somewhere walking about in the street by chance.. i remember the panorama documentary 'suffer the little children' where the presenter tried to arrange an interview with one of the gb.
i can't remember if the gb either refused or simply didn't reply.
Anthony Morris DeTurd
Hello, friends. I thought I'd let you know what it feels like to be on THIS side of the GB fence: we're scared. It's like this quote from the YPA book...
“Our teacher asked the class what we thought about evolution. I knew this was a perfect chance to share my faith. But I completely froze and said nothing. Afterward, I felt really bad.”—Jasmine.
You see, we're so used to being
worshippedvalued by you dear friends, we just freeze if anyone dares to ask a logical question.So, stay with us - just obey and you'll be blessed. One brother said "I would rather have Questions I cant answer, than Answers I cant question" , but where is he today? His name was Ray Franz and he was a GB member that DID do media interviews. Enough said...